
These objectives allow for the support of projects developed by foundation members as well as initiatives from others, as long as such initiatives improve the prospects for the people of Duble and the Duble region.

Our main target is the education of the children of the area, but we are not excluding future support for other education-related activities should opportunities arise.

Section 2 of the foundation deed describes the objectives and reads:

1. The objectives of the foundation are:

a. To improve the prospects of the people in Duble and neighbourhood (Nepal) among other things by contributing towards the education of their children;

b. To take any further actions, which are in accordance with this objective or which might be beneficial to this objective.

2. The foundation tries to reach her objectives, among other ways, by making it possible for some children to attend a school in Kathmandu that is better than the village school, while also supporting the village school. Representatives of the villagers, are to be consulted in this process for instance through the “Dublelee Milijuli Group Okhaldhunga”.

3. The foundation operates on a not-for-profit basis.