News bulletin 10

News  of June 20, 2010

Kombi school 'De Pas' in Helden - spending the donation

School bag In consultation with the teachers of the Jana Jyoti school, 92 large and 44 small school bags have been purchased.
Because there are now fewer than 136 pupils, the new pupils, next school year, will get a bag too.

For the 19 pupils that we sponsor at the Jana Jyoti school, we paid the school bags from the existing budget for these pupils.
Doing so, we could buy 117 school bags and pay the transportation costs (exceeding NRs. 3.000,-) from the donation of 355 Euro.

Buying this number of bags, we could choose a personalized decoration. We used this opportunity to promote the name of the foundation.


Sponsored children at the Jana Jyoti school in Duble

The number of children, that we sponsor at the Jana Jyoti school, increased from 18 to 19. A child from the Dalit caste joined the group.
At the moment we still do not have the name and a photo.

(Ton van der Kop)


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