News bulletin 3

News  of September 24, 2008

The representatives of Dublelee Milijuli Samuha completed their job. They got a quotation of a Nepali firm for a solar kit based on a 21 Watt panel. The kit contains 3 TL tubes of 10 Watt.
After deducting the governmental subsidy the cost is Rs. 16.000,-. At the present exchange rate that will be about 150,- Euro.
At the moment I cannot promise that we will sponsor this kit. I need more information on the battery and the chargecontroller. The battery needs some automatic protection, otherwise its life time could be very short. Further I like to investigate how a maximum number of households can get sufficient light that the children can study or read for some hours in the evening. Our target is to make that possible for all the students of the Jana Jyoti Primary school in Duble.
I wonder if the prices for LED's have reached the point that LED lighting is affordable for poor people.

(Ton van der Kop)


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