Three children to a school in Kathmandu

If you send kids to school, it is of course best if you ensure that they can finish that school. Taking into account the Nepalese school system of 10+2, you would therefor need to provide a support guarantee for a minimum of 10 years, but preferably 12 years.
This commitment we have in the form of annuities and bequests.

Doma would like to be a teacher. And Yangyi? Who knows. Anyhow, she now has an opportunity for intellectual development.

It will always remain an item for discussion, which is better, to help the children from the countryside, at at as early an age as possible, to go to the better education available in the city or to work at the improving the standard of education in the rural areas. Both will be needed.

For the present youths, this discussion is not relevant.
As a parent you send your child to the best school that you can afford. Waiting until the quality in rural areas is to scratch is not an option.