Name and web address
Overlap in the activities?
Stichting Sherpaland
There is a partial overlap in the objectives.
Stichting School in de Himalaya
There is no overlap. They have adopted the school in Bhitte. We focus on the school in Duble. The two schools are more than an hour's walk apart.
The initiators of this foundation have done much for the people in the Duble area. They focus on the provision of basic sanitation, ie drinking water and toilets.
Also important are the watermills, which they have financed. These grain mills save women hours of work each day with the stone hand mill.
Stichting Sathiko Sath
There is a partial overlap.
The foundation facilitates the education of children of Nepalese employees of the Dutch travel organisation HT Wandelreizen.
Several people from the Duble area regularly work for HT.