Watermill in Bhotechaur

Bhotechaur is a neighbour village of Duble. You pass the village when you go south on your way to the bus station in Sangutar. In Bhotechaur, a group of 38 households like to build a watermill, 'pani ghatta' in Nepali. However, as usual, it takes a long time to collect the money needed to finance that dream. At the spot, they have in mind, there is sufficient water during the wet season. They guess that 350 Euro will be enough to buy and transport all the materials.
I promised them to send that amount as soon as I will be home again.

After Kame received the money, I soon receive copies of bills, for a total of almost 30.000,- Rupees. That is for the materials bought in Kathmandu. Everything has to be transported, by bus,to the endstation in Sangutar. The most expensive items are the polyethylene pipe, diameter 6 inch, for Nrs. 12.425,-, followed by the turbine, 'sudhariaka ghatta', (improved watermill), for NRs. 7.000,-.
I am surprised by the cost for the nozzle. Its cost is NRs. 3.000,-.
However, I was not surprised to receive an e-mail reporting a good progress of the project, but also asking if it is possible to send an extra 100 Euro. Amongst others, they need more polyethylene pipe.
As I know that they are always planning in an optimistic manner, I already expected that question and I send the money.

Februari 23, 2010:
Kame Sherpa sends pictures made during the construction.
I selected the following ones:




The watermill is working.
As was being expected there is in the summer, during monsoon, sufficient water to power the grinding stone of the mill.
The people of Bhotechaur are thanking us hartly for the help we provided.
