School requisites for 22 children
The Jana Jyoti Primary School in Duble is a government school, which offers only 8 classes. The parents do not need to pay school fees, but they have to buy school supplies themselves.
In the beginning of 2008, we selected, in consultation with the Dubleli Milijuli Group, 16 children as candidates for our assistance. They are all growing-up in very adverse conditions such as orphans, half orphans, disabled or Dalits ('untouchables' or people of low castes:
For these children, we pay the school needs.
We have guaranteed this contribution for a minimum of five years. Annually we see whether the number of children and/or the amount money should/could be adjusted.
Doing so we added one child in 2009 and one in 2010. The total number in 2013 is 22.
2008: 15 of the 16 children. Only Mathbir Tamang (see photo below) could not be present when this photo was taken.

2009: We now sponsor two more children.
Not all the sponsor money was needed for school requisites.
It was decided to spent the remainder on school dresses.
More about our sponsored children
Domini Sherpa
Born: 18-05-2001
Handicapped (leg)
Sponsored: 2008 - onwards
2009: Class 1
Pasi Sherpa
Born: 18-11-1992
Half Orphan
Sponsored: 2008 - onwards
2009: Class 3
Kami Sherpa
Born: 14-12-2000
Sponsored: 2008 - 2009
2009: Nursery
Left school to study Budhism (Lama)
Dati Sherpa
Born: 30-08-1996
Half Orphan
Sponsored: 2008 - onwards
2009: Class 1
Pemba Sherpa
Born: 19-05-2005
Sponsored: 2008 - onwards
2009: Nursery
Amrit Biswo Karmar
Born: 13-10-2001
Sponsored: 2008 - 2009
Left school as migrated to other village.
Saritamaya Biswo Karmar
Born: 31-08-1995
Sponsored: 2008 - onwards
2009: Class 3
Raj Kumar Biswo Karmar
Born: 28-01-2002
Sponsored: 2008 - onwards
2009: Class 2
Kabita Biswo Kamar
Born: 22-10-1999
Sponsored: 2008 - onwards
2009: Class 2
Mathbir Tamang (not at the group photo)
Born: 23-09-2000
Handicapped (eyes)
Sponsored: 2008 - 2009
Died in the spring of 2009. (cancer)
Deo Maya Tamang
Born: 18-03-1999
Half Orphan
Sponsored: 2008 - onwards
2009: Class 1
Dan Bahadur Tamang
Born: ??-??-????
Sponsored: 2008 - 2009
Left school as migrated to Kathmandu
Man Maya Tamang
Born: 01-12-1996
Half Orphan
Sponsored: 2008 - onwards
2009: Class 4
Kusang Sherpa
Born: 16-02-1995
Half Orphan
Sponsored: 2008 - onwards
2009: Class 3
Paljang Sherpa
Born: 07-02-1994
Half Orphan
Sponsored: 2008 - onwards
2009: Class 1
Shambu/Sujan Biswo Karmar
Born: 19-06-1997
Sponsored: 2008 - onwards
2009: Class 4
Shukhbir Tamang
Born: 17-02-2001
Dumb parent
Sponsored: 2009 - onwards
2009: Class 4
Sange Tamang
Born: 17-03-2005
Dumb parent
Sponsored: 2009 - onwards
2009: Class ?
Sanjee/Sanyee Tamang
Born: 11-05-1992
Mentally disorder
Sponsored: 2009 - onwards
2009: Class ?
Bishnu Maya Tamang
Born: 01-08-2004
Half Orphan
Sponsored: 2009 - onwards
2009: Class ?
Mina Maya Tamang
Born: 28-03-2002
Sponsored: 2009 - onwards
2009: Class ?
Jina/Jeena Maya Tamang
Born: 17-05-2003
Sponsored: 2009 - onwards
2009: Class ?
Tenzi Sherpa
Born: ??-??-????
Sponsored: 2010 - onwards
2012: Class ?
Pasang Tamang
Geb. ??-??-??
Sponsoring: vanaf 2010
2012: Class ?